Waking UP Americans For Liberty
We walk in freedom, for now. However, we are among Americans that believe they are the self-proclaimed, moral opportunists, who think only about what they “feel” is right. WE At Sanctuary Of Liberty believe in our constitution, our rights, and our freedoms. Do we have to sit back and allow these few shouting, stomping Americans destroy our values, families, morals, American Dreams, Prosperity? There is a great deal of politics involved in everything we do in America Today. We are taught, or should we say, we as once students WERE taught in school on how the ladder of power is arranged for our freedoms. Freedoms brought to us by the constitution of the United States. Yet at some point in time liberals, Progressives, Atheists, stopped listening to truth, stopped using knowledge, common sense and became believers in only what the media was feeding them in streamlining feeds of progressive agendas. The media, the new anti- American Community, have become so controlling over everything. They actually believe that what they are telling the public as truth. The media has become obsessed with their personal agendas; tend to enjoy pushing Americans, the world for that matter into civil unrest. Chaos causes confusion! Which in return causes news that is “fit to print“. It is News created by the media that helps empower their purpose with cameras' rolling. They, the Media Crave to make all news reported as truth, and use tense disproportionate voice techniques to engage and entice others to join the "cause". We At Sanctuary Of Liberty will bring a voice to challenge the media’s truth. Sanctuary Of Liberty Administration are huge supporter of our veterans, our military of today and tomorrow, WE speak for them! WE will speak plenty on Benghazi, until Justice comes to those who killed and LEFT our people behind! Sanctuary Of Liberty is here to raise a voice on the damage this administration has done to our military, in morale and strength. We will speak on the fake war on woman. We find this bogus political ploy disgusting, degrading and pathetic. We will talk about abortion, We will give you the truth about abortion, that goes beyond religious views but take on the Planned Parenthood’s proclamation that they are good for American Women. Sanctuary Of Liberty will raise awareness about Healthcare, Taxes, Common Core and offer our two cents, in sometimes eclectic, quick witted, on your toes, yet in non-judgmental, non-argumentative ways… Just the FACTS!